What's new
See the changelog for daily updates

Improved Help

Apr 3, 2022

This month was spent mainly on improving the Help and creating content to help you get started.

  • The Help page has a new Workflow Examples section with some advanced workflows.
  • We have a new Medium Publication where we're posting workflow examples. So far we have some great posts by some of our users, Stephen Zeoli and Tim Lutero, and we will continue to add more there.
  • We have a new YouTube Channel where we've posted two videos so far. We're starting with the basics to help you get started, and we will make more videos with more advanced topics.
  • We've become more active on our Twitter Account. We will post updates there so follow us to get notified.

And of course we got in some good features and bug fixes too:

Improved Calendar Sync

In addition to a few bug fixes, we focused on making sure that Legend's sync to Google Calendar is very safe. It now prevents edits which would mess up events, and we added prompts to make sure you don't accidentally remove events.

A new feature, a per-calendar Editable setting in the Calendar section of the settings, lets you lock calendars so that Legend cannot modify them, or prompts before making changes.

This was a great idea and a highly requested feature on our forum which makes it much safer to sync work calendars with Legend.

Tag Coloring by Prefix

Another highly requested feature: there's a new page in the Display Settings where you can change the colors of tags. It works by prefix so you can create a colored tag hierarchy. For example you could set #home_ to be orange, so that all tags starting with #home_ like #home_chores would be orange. Some of our beta testers like to set a background color on the more urgent tags, with a text color for normal tags.

Inferred Hierarchy Experiment

We're working on a new concept where Legend can infer an outline hierarchy based on Heading size. It gives you all the power of collapsing, filtering, and zooming without even needing to indent. It's still a beta-only experiment, but it's almost done so you will see it released soon! If you'd like to try it now and help give us feedback, go here to join the beta.

Command Palette

Mar 2, 2022

For this past month we were focused on fixing bugs and improving performance (we'll get to that), but first is a new feature we're excited about!

Open the Command Palette by pressing + P to see all of the various commands available in Legend. You can use this to quickly find actions you don't remember the hotkey for, or just explore all of the options. Additionally we've added some new commands that don't currently have hotkeys. You can customize the hotkeys in the Hotkeys section of the settings, and please let us know in the forum if you have suggestions for what the default hotkeys should be.

New Commands

  • Go back
  • Set view mode in pane
  • Collapse by level

Additional Features

  • Images are cached so they load immediately and are available offline
  • YouTube videos can (optionally) be embedded directly
  • The / menu has an input to filter for quicker usage

Notable bug fixes

  • Outlook email works much better
  • Project and Heading views more accurately show mirror items
  • Inline images work much better, with fixes to menus and drag/dropping
  • Typing in Asian languages works much better
  • Responsiveness of editing and adding items, especially with multiple panes open, is much improved


If you have any thoughts or suggestions about this update, please let us know in the forum thread.

Projects and Headings

Jan 28, 2022

This update brings a new item type: the Heading.

It works the same was as the Projects you're used to and comes with its own Pane view mode, filter, and theme selectors. Additionally, Headings have a new set of icons which adjust as the size decreases, and a new display setting to only show them when hovered.

This was highly requested so that people could use Headings for more control over formatting and structure, while Projects could be used for specific items for visual differentiation, and for another dimension to group and filter by. But as with most things in Legend, you're free to find your own interesting ways to use this, and we'd love to hear your ideas!

You can create Headings by starting items with the # prefix and Projects by starting with ^, or by selecting them from the menus.

Before this update, Projects used the # prefix so those will now be Headings, and any Panes you had using Project views or filters will be migrated to the Heading equivalent. Then you can convert any other items to Projects by pressing + Shift + P to change them to Projects.


If you have any thoughts or suggestions about this update, please let us know in the forum thread.

More Powerful Filtering

Jan 14, 2022

Continuing our trend of improving filtering, we've been working with our beta testers for the past month on a new filtering system that we're really excited about!

It has a lot more ways to filter, by every item type or by the contents of items, so you can be much more deliberate about how you filter your panes.

Advanced mode takes away the icons and adds a ton of extra functionality for when you want to get more specific. In advanced mode you can mix filters together with text, group filters together with parentheses, and OR them together, to filter exactly how you want.

And More

  • Added a new General setting "Collapse matches of filters” which will collapse matches that have no matching children
  • Revamped the system that locks items into place while editing. They now show a dashed outline for 1.5 seconds and show a more accurate message about the number of items hidden.
  • Fixed some issues editing text around links and with multiple links


If you have any thoughts or suggestions about this update, please let us know in the forum thread.

Improved Filtering and Apple Silicon Version

Nov 2, 2021

Improved Filtering

For the past few weeks we've been building and beta testing a new filtering algorithm which is more accurate and faster, especially with mirror items. Our original filtering system had grown up and improved over time, but was not handling mirror items very well. So we rebuilt it from scratch in a smarter way designed for handling mirrors and complex interlinked documents, along with a large suite of automated tests to make sure it's correct in every case. If you see any remaining issues with filters being inaccurate please let us know in the forum thread.

This is not (yet) a change in filtering features or behavior, but filter results will generally be more accurate and include items that may have mistakenly been missed before, especially if you are using mirror items. And it should be a bit faster too!

Apple Silicon Version

We now have a build of Legend native to Apple Silicon which is a ton faster and smoother on the new M1 chips. If you have a new Mac with an M1 chip, please install the new version manually. The previous version of the app is not able to auto-detect Apple Silicon so it requires a manual update, but future versions will update to the Apple Silicon version automatically.


It's been a couple months since our last blog post because we had put a pause on new feature development to focus on fixing bugs and polishing rough edges. Check the what's new page to see all the recent updates.

See the old Moo.do blog
Legend has recently renamed from Moo.do. The old Moo.do blog contains tons of earlier product updates.