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repositories Search Results · topic:keep org:github fork:true

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14 results
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14 results

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Parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code across many languages
  • Haskell
  • 8.8k
  • Updated

Web component extensions to the standard <time> element.
  • JavaScript
  • 2.9k
  • Updated
    12 days ago

Compile Puppet catalogs from 2 branches, versions, etc., and compare them
  • Ruby
  • 237
  • Updated
    4 days ago

A web socket that reconnects.
  • TypeScript
  • 118
  • Updated
    on Jan 17

Attach files via drag and drop or file input.
  • TypeScript
  • 108
  • Updated
    on Jan 10

A custom element that shows text as if it were being typed
  • JavaScript
  • 99
  • Updated
    on Jan 9

Fast, concurrent, streaming access to Amazon S3, including gof3r, a CLI.
  • Go
  • 35
  • Updated
    on Oct 5, 2023

A map in which more than one value may be stored under each key.
  • JavaScript
  • 32
  • Updated
    on Sep 22, 2023

Install a shortcut to append selected text to a <textarea> as a Markdown quote.
  • TypeScript
  • 28
  • Updated
    on Jan 22

This is a debug repo for
  • JavaScript
  • 23
  • Updated
    on Jul 19, 2022
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